Basic Reliability Prediction
Basic Reliability Prediction (MTBF Calculation)
RAM Commander software prediction module is a reliability tool providing everything necessary for primary reliability prediction (MTBF or failure rate prediction/calculation) based on one of the prediction models for electronic and mechanical equipment.
It contains more than 30 reliability prediction methods, including the latest methods like FIDES 2009 and 217 Plus:
Electronic components reliability prediction methods:
MIL-HDBK-217E-1 P. stress
MIL-HDBK-217F-1 P. count
MIL-HDBK-217F-1 P. stress
MIL-HDBK-217F-2 P. count
MIL-HDBK-217F-2 P. stress
MIL-HDBK-217E-1 draft (Nonoperating)
Reliability Toolkit (1995)
HDBK 217Plus new!
BELLCORE Issue 5, 6
GJB/Z 299B P. count
GJB/Z 299B P. stress
GJB 299C P. stress/P. count
CNET RDF93 rev. 02/95
IEC 62380
UTE C 80-810
FIDES Guide 2004
FIDES Guide 2009 Issue A new!
Telcordia SR-332 Issue 1
Telcordia SR-332 Issue 2
Telcordia SR-332 Issue 3 new!
Siemens SN 29500-1
Siemens SN 29500-2005-1 new!
Stress/Strength Analysis
Mechanical components reliability prediction methods:
NSWC-98/LE1 Mechanics new!
NPRD-2011 new!
Stress/Strength Analysis
RAM Commander reliability module supports ‘one-click’ automatic switch between different prediction methods.
Each method defines a set of component parameters which should be defined in order to calculate its reliability:
To make the management of these complex data more convenient and easy, different reliability libraries are available.
Components Library
RAM Commander contains built-in electronic components library. ALD supplies the library containing hundreds of thousands (total number of records is currently 500,000 and the number is growing) of widely used electronic components by the world leading manufacturers continually updated by RAM Commander team adding more manufacturer’s data on a monthly basis.
Customers may update the library – both manually and by importing components data.Part Number Recognition
Leading manufacturers use special algorithms naming their parts. RAM Commander implements these algorithms for the opposite direction in order to get reliability data from Part Number. Our reliability software supports algorithms for decoding Part Numbers of passive components (Resistors and Capacitors) of the following manufacturers:
AVX, ATC, Bourns, Cal-chip, DALE, Hitano, Garrett, IRC, Johanson, Kemet, KOA, Kyocera, Mallory, Meritek, Murata, MSI, NIC, Nichicon, Novacap, Samsung, Siemens, Syfer, OhmCraft, Paccom, Philips, Phycomp, Ralec, ROEDERST, TDK, TaiyoYuden, Vishay, Roedenstein, Vitramon, Yageo.
GPRD Library
Additional reliability data library available for users is GPRD (General Part Reliability Data) which is used to store manufacturers’ provided or field reliability data (obtained from FRACAS or another source).
Use of described above reliability prediction methods, reliability libraries and convenient project tree building and management utilities makes RAM Commander reliability prediction module a must-have tool for reliability engineering.As a result of reliability prediction performed is a report with a breakdown of MTBF figures per system, unit, board and component levels:
Obtained failure rates are then used in reliability and availability analysis using Temperature Curve, Mission Profile, Pareto and other tools – see Reliability & Availability Analysis Software Module.
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