ISD ITALIA – RAMS Engineering and RAMS software tools
ISD ITALIA S.R.L. is specialized in Reliability Engineering and provides RAMS software tools and risk management consulting services and, in addition, training on its products.
offers implementation of consulting services, training on RAMS methodologies and provides RAMS SOFTWARE tools of our partner ALD.
With more than 15 years of practical consulting experience across all industries, ISD Italia team will help you maximize your investment in reliability, safety and quality management.
RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) engineering is a rapidly evolving discipline, whose purpose is to develop methods and tools to predict, evaluate, and demonstrate reliability, availability, maintainability and Safety of components, equipment, and systems, as well as to support development and production engineers in building in reliability and maintainability.
Our consulting team consists of highly professional experts in the fields of Reliability Prediction and Analysis, Maintainability Analysis (including RCM), Safety Assessment, Safety Management, LCC, ILS, and Functional Safety including Safety Integrity Level (SIL) evaluation.